Results for "altima"
Watch Out For Windy Days: Windshield Replacement on a 2007 Nissan Altima
By: admin
The weather in March in New England can get quite blustery, as this customer in Bradford, MA found out when their basketball hoop fell onto the windshield of their 2007 Nissan Altima. They called Titan Auto Glass, and we brought our van to take care of their windshield replacement. This customer paid cash for this […]March 31, 2021 | In: Customer Stories
Free Rust Repair: 1997 Nissan Altima
By: admin
This windshield replacement on a 1997 Nissan Altima took place near our headquarters in Woburn, MA. This customer’s windshield had broken, and on top of that was experiencing some major leaking issues. It’s safe to say we found the reason; after we pulled the windshield, this rust and rot was waiting for us underneath (click […]January 29, 2016 | In: Customer Stories, How-Tos, Industry News