Results for "October2016"
Windshield Replacement on a 2011 Lexus IS 250
By: admin
The Titan Van stayed close to home for this job, replacing the windshield on this 2011 Lexus IS 250 in Woburn. This job involved some extra work, as we also needed to replace the windshield molding, wipers, and rear-view mirror. This customer selected Titan Auto Glass to do the work, because she knew that we […]October 25, 2016 | In: Customer Stories
The Problem With Cheap Windshields
By: admin
This has happened to all of us – we try to save money by choosing the least expensive alternative, and end up regretting it later, when it turns out to be very poor quality. This customer found that out when choosing a new windshield replacement. Choosing the lowest-priced company to do the job resulted in […]October 11, 2016 | In: Customer Stories, How-Tos, rust